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Table 3 The mean values within the PIPJ’s functional range of motion (27° to 86°) for the mean and maximum values of the von-Mises stress and strain as well as the mean value of the total moment reactions

From: Biomechanical comparative finite element analysis between a conventional proximal interphalangeal joint flexible hinge implant and a novel implant design using a rolling contact joint mechanism


von-Mises stress (MPa)

 von-Mises strain (mNm) 

  Moment reactions (mNm) (Total moment reaction) 


Maximum value

Mean value

Maximum value

Mean value


Conventional PIPJ FH implant

8.29 × 10−2

7.76 × 10−2

2.53 × 10−1

2.49 × 10−1


Novel PIPJ implant using a RCJ mechanism

1.21 × 10−2

0.30 × 10−2

3.85 × 10−2

0.90 × 10−2


  1. FH flexible hinge, PIPJ proximal interphalangeal joint, RCJ rolling contact joint