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Table 2 Post-revision clinical outcome of the final cohort

From: Clinical and radiographic outcomes of long monoblock, hydroxyapatite-coated stem in revision hip arthroplasty with extended trochanteric osteotomy: a multicenter study


Cohort at Final Follow-Up (n = 64 Hips)

n (%) or Mean ± SD (Range)

Follow-up (m)*

34.5 ± 4.95(23–41)




40.7 ± 16.67 (0–67)


82.1 ± 6.83 (73–93)

Thigh pain †

2 (3%)




12 (19%)


52 (81%)

Trendelenburg sign†



3 (5%)


61 (95%)



 Very satisfied or satisfied

56 (87%)

 Somewhat satisfied

7 (11%)

 Somewhat dissatisfied or dissatisfied

1 (2%)

  1. *the values are given as the mean and standard deviation
  2. †the values are given as the number with the percentage in parentheses
  3. SD standard deviation
  4. HHS Harris Hip Score