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Table 1 Pre-revision demographics and morphological data

From: Clinical and radiographic outcomes of long monoblock, hydroxyapatite-coated stem in revision hip arthroplasty with extended trochanteric osteotomy: a multicenter study


Initial Cohort (n = 64 Hips)

n (%) or Mean ± SD (Range)




29 (45%)/35 (55%)


34 (53.13%)/30 (46.87%)

 Age at surgery (y)*

60.4 ± 17.58 (25–85)


26.8 ± 4.66 (19.48–34.60)

 ASA score*

1.8 ± 0.77 (1–3)







 Number of previous surgeries†



10 (16%)


49 (76%)

  3 or more

5 (8%)

Previous THA


 Reason for primary THA†



21 (33%)

  Femoral fracture

12 (19%)


31 (48%)

 Primary stem†



14 (21.88%)/50(78.12%)

Revision THA


 Paprosky femoral defect type†



6 (9%)


24 (38%)


27 (42%)


7 (11%)

 Reason for revision THA†


  Periprosthetic joint infection

55 (86%)

  Aseptic loosening

6 (9%)

  Recurrent dislocation

3 (5%)

 Stem size used in revision†



4 (6%)


10 (16%)


21 (33%)


13 (20%)


10 (16%)


6 (9%)

  1. *the values are given as the mean and standard deviation
  2. †the values are given as the number with the percentage in parentheses
  3. SD, standard deviation
  4. BMI, body mass index
  5. ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists
  6. THA, Total hip arthroplasty