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Table 2 Return-to-play assessment

From: Effectiveness of a digital rehabilitation program based on computer vision and augmented reality for isolated meniscus injury: protocol for a prospective randomized controlled trial

VAS score = 0


IKDC score > 90


No active effusion (Brush test negative)


The difference in circumference between the quadriceps muscles was less than 1.5 cm


The knee isokinetic strength test showed a ratio of bilateral quadriceps muscles greater than 90%, bilateral hamstrings greater than 90%, and unilateral hamstrings to quadriceps muscle greater than 66%


Jump test Limb symmetry index (LSI = jump distance on the affected side/jump distance on the healthy side *100%) was greater than 90%, and the test items included a single-leg long jump test and a single-leg triple jump test


Y-word balance test: bilateral extension asymmetry within 4 cm; bilateral comprehensive score is greater than 90%


Lateral step-down test showed no dynamic genu valgus