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Fig. 4 | Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research

Fig. 4

From: Tumor-to-bone distance and radiomic features on MRI distinguish intramuscular lipomas from well-differentiated liposarcomas

Fig. 4

Fourteen features important in LASSO logistic regression model to distinguish IM lipomas from WDLSs: A selecting an optimal value of tuning parameter (\(\lambda\)) in the LASSO logistic regression model was conducted using tenfold cross-validation. The misclassification error was plotted against \(\log (\lambda )\). \(\lambda\) of 0.019 (\(\log (\lambda )\) = − 3.96) was selected according to tenfold cross-validation. The green dash vertical line denotes the optimal value using minimum criteria; B fourteen features’ importance was obtained using the LASSO logistic regression model. The bar chart of the absolute standardized coefficients showed the feature importance ranking; and C receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted for learning and testing data sets showing the area under the curves (AUCs) obtained using the LASSO logistic regression model

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