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Table 1 Protocol exercise for all groups

From: Effects of backward walking exercise using lower body positive pressure treadmill on knee symptoms and physical function in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a protocol for RCT






Isometric quadriceps exercise

Patients lay in a supine position. A rolled-up towel was put beneath the knee. They were instructed to maximally activate their thigh muscles in order to straighten their knee and hold the contraction for 5 s

3 days/week

1 set of 10 repetitions/twice a day

1st week: 1 set

2–3 weeks: 2 sets

3–6 weeks: 3 sets

Straight leg raising (SLR) exercise

Patients lay in a supine position. They were instructed to perform a maximum isometric quadriceps contraction prior to the lifting phase of the exercise. Then they were instructed to lift the leg up to 10 cm above the plinth and hold the contraction during the lifting phase for 10 s

3 days/week

1 set of 10 repetitions/twice a day

1st week: 1 set

2–3 weeks: 2 sets

3–6 weeks: 3 sets

Isometric hip adduction exercise

Patients lay in a supine position. A small pillow was put between the knees. They were instructed to perform isometric hip adduction exercise while pressing the pillow between the knees and to maintain the adduction with contraction for 5 s

3 days/week

1 set of 10 repetitions/twice a day

1st week: 1 set

2–3 weeks: 2 sets

3–6 weeks: 3 sets

Terminal knee extension exercise

Patients lay in a supine position. The affected knee is flexed about 30 degrees over a rolled towel. The patients were instructed to extend the knee to zero degree and hold it for 5 s then gradually flex the knee to starting position

3 days/week

1 set of 10 repetitions/twice a day

1st week: 1 set

2–3 weeks: 2 sets

3–6 weeks: 3 sets

Semi-squat exercise

Patients were asked to stand against the wall and performed semi-squat to 45- degrees flexion at knees and held this position for 30 s

3 days/week

1 set of 10 repetitions/twice a day

1st week: 1 set

2–3 weeks: 2 sets

3–6 weeks: 3 sets

Leg press exercise

Patients were asked to perform leg press exercise on a standard leg press machine. Patients were asked to press the machine to extend the knee to zero degree and hold it for 5 s then gradually flex the knee to starting position

3 days/week

1 set of 10 repetitions/twice a day

1st week: 1 set

2–3 weeks: 2 sets

3–6 weeks: 3 sets

  1. From Alghadir et al. [12] with permission