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Fig. 2 | Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research

Fig. 2

From: Effects of backward walking exercise using lower body positive pressure treadmill on knee symptoms and physical function in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a protocol for RCT

Fig. 2

Standard protocol items: recommendations for content for the schedule of enrollment, interventions, and assessments for interventional trials (SPIRIT) checklist, (EG) experimental group, (CG) control group, (NPRS) numeric pain rating scale, (KOOS) knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score, (TMS) thigh muscle strength test, (FTSTS) five times sit to stand test, (3MWB) 3-meter walk backward test, (TUG) timed up and go, (FSST) four square step test, (FRT) functional reach test, (10-MWT) 10-meter walk test, (6MWT) 6-minute walk test, (SF-36) short form 36, (PHQ-9) Patient Health Questionnaire-9, (RAPA) rapid assessment of physical activity

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