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Table 3 Specific routines concerning obesity of knee arthroplasty centers of Sweden

From: Information and BMI limits for patients with obesity eligible for knee arthroplasty: the Swedish surgeons’ perspective from a nationwide cross-sectional study




Does your clinic have an upper limit of BMI for knee arthroplasty?

No, n (%)

51 (25)

Yes, n (%)

152 (75)

 Private clinics

No, n (%)

4 (13)

Yes, n (%)

26 (87)

 Public clinics

No, n (%)

47 (27)

Yes, n (%)

126 (73)

If yes, what is the limit?

BMI limit, Median [IQR]

35 [35,40]

 Private clinics

BMI limit, Median [IQR]

35 [35,40]

 Public clinics

BMI limit, Median [IQR]

35 [35,40]

If yes on item 12, do you adhere to the BMI limit?

Always, n (%)

71 (46)

Often, n (%)

75 (49)

Sometimes, n (%)

7 (4)

Rarely, n (%)

1 (1)

Never, n (%)

0 (0)

How often do you schedule a patients with BMI ≥ 35 for knee arthroplasty?

Always, n (%)

4 (2)

Often, n (%)

19 (10)

Sometimes, n (%)

65 (32)

Rarely, n (%)

89 (44)

Never, n (%)

25 (12)

If you deny a patient for knee arthroplasty due to obesity, what is the reason?

Surgery becomes more difficult technically, n (%)

0 (0)

Too many risks, n (%)

118 (58)

Both above, n (%)

67 (33)

Other, n (%)

2 (1)

Do not deny due to obesity, n (%)

15 (8)

If you deny a patient a knee arthroplasty due to obesity, on what does your decision rely on?

 Previous studies

No, n (%)

34 (17)

Yes, n (%)

168 (83)

If you deny a patient for knee arthroplasty due to obesity, on what does your decision rely on?

 The clinics experiences

No, n (%)

104 (51)

Yes, n (%)

98 (49)

If you deny a patient for knee arthroplasty due to obesity, on what does your decision rely on?

 Own experiences

No, n (%)

126 (62)

Yes, n (%)

76 (38)

If you refuse a patient for knee arthroplasty due to obesity, on what does your decision rely on?

 Do not deny due to obesity

No, n (%)

185 (92)

Yes, n (%)

17 (8)

Does your clinic have a routine to recommend weight loss for patients with obesity that are eligible for knee arthroplasty?

No, n (%)

51 (25)

Yes, n (%)

151 (75)

If yes, what routines do you have on your clinic?

 Referral to district health care

No, n (%)

63 (39)

Yes, n (%)

100 (61)

If yes, what routines do you have on your clinic?

 Referral to dietitian

No, n (%)

113 (69)

Yes, n (%)

50 (31)

If yes, what routines do you have on your clinic?

 Referral to abdominal surgery for possible bariatric surgery

No, n (%)

125 (77)

Yes, n (%)

38 (23)

If yes, what routines do you have on your clinic?

 Oral recommendation

No, n (%)

74 (45)

Yes, n (%)

89 (55)

If yes, what routines do you have on your clinic?

 Contact to welfare officer

No, n (%)

163 (100)

Yes, n (%)

0 (0)

If yes, what routines do you have on your clinic?


No, n (%)

150 (92)

Yes, n (%)

13 (8)

Do you refer patients for possible bariatric surgery for patients with BMI > 35 before a knee arthroplasty?

Always, n (%)

7 (3)

Often, n (%)

18 (9)

Sometimes, n (%)

50 (25)

Rarely, n (%)

44 (22)

Never, n (%)

82 (41)

If a patient with obesity is scheduled for knee arthroplasty, do you require additional blood tests in excess of the regular blood tests?

Always, n (%)

9 (5)

Often, n (%)

11 (5)

Sometimes, n (%)

27 (13)

Rarely, n (%)

72 (36)

Never, n (%)

84 (41)