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Table 1 Brief comparative overview of the most important DAA and SuperPATH operation points

From: Comparison of short-term outcomes between direct anterior approach (DAA) and SuperPATH in total hip replacement: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials





supine on a regular operating room table or on a TT

lateral decubitus position on a regular operating room table

Skin incision

2–4 cm distal and lateral to the ASIS to a point two finger widths anterior to the greater trochanter

from the tip of the greater trochanter in line with the femoral axis

Deeper preparation

incision of the fascia over the TFL

incision of the fascia of the gluteus maximus muscle

Approach to capsule

Muscle-sparing approach to the capsule through the Hueter interval between the TFL and the rectus femoris

muscle-sparing approach to the capsule through the space between the piriformis posterior and the gluteus minimus and medius muscle anterior

Further steps

• capsulotomy with a flap for later repair

• placing acetabular retractors in anterosuperior, anteroinferior and posterior location

• osteotomy the femoral neck and femoral head removal

• acetabular reaming, cup impaction and implantation of the inlay

• broaching proximal femur medullary canal with the reamer and implanting the prosthesis stem

• reposition and wound closure

• broaching proximal femur medullary canal with the reamer and implanting the prosthesis stem

• osteotomy the femoral neck and femoral head removal

• capsulotomy

• additional distal small incision for the reamer drive shaft and connecting it with the acetabular basket reamer through the main incision

• acetabular reaming, cup impaction and implantation of the inlay

• reposition and wound closure

  1. TT traction table, ASIS anterior superior iliac spine, TFL musculus tensor fasciae latae