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Table 1 Patients’ baseline characteristics (n=114 hips).

From: Accuracy of intraoperative estimation of femoral stem anteversion in cementless total hip arthroplasty by using a digital protractor and a spirit level


Number (%)

Age (year)

 mean (SD)

56.8 (10.1)



Gender male : female

64 : 43

Body mass index (kg/m2)

 mean (SD)

22.7 (3.7)




 Osteonecrosis of femoral head

53 (46.5%)

 Primary osteoarthritis

21 (18.4%)

 Femoral neck fracture

20 (17.5%)

 Hip dysplasia

12 (10.6%)

 Post-traumatic osteoarthritis

5 (4.4%)

 Inflammatory joint disease

3 (2.6%)

Stem type N (%)

 Excia (Aesculap)

57 (50.0%)

 Avenir (Zimmer-Biomet)

48 (42.1%)

 Metha (Aesculap)

9 (7.9%)

Tibio-femoral angle a

 mean (SD)

5.1° (3.2°)


-2.9° to 11.9°

  1. a a positive value represents valgus, and a negative represents varus alignment