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Table 3 Formulas of the four models

From: Can we rely on the combination of serological tests and frozen sections at the time of reimplantation for two-stage exchange hip arthroplasty in patients with a “dry tap”?



Diagnosis of persistent infection according to modified MSIS

Model 1

− 2.99131 + 0.03227*ESR − 0.07385*CRP + 1.35106* (if frozen section > 5 PMNs per PHF is 1 or is 0)

Model 2

− 2.88829 + 0.03898*ESR − 0.15854*CRP + 1.81932* (if frozen section > 10 PMNs per PHF is 1 or is 0)

Diagnosis of persistent infection according to the Delphi failure (sensitivity analysis)

Model 3

− 2.20782 + 0.01501*ESR − 0.60821*CRP + 1.08219*(if frozen section > 5 PMNs per PHF is 1 or is 0)

Model 4

− 2.02084 + 0.01980*ESR − 0.68791*CRP + 1.27583* (if frozen section > 10 PMNs per PHF is 1 or is 0)

  1. * means multiplication