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Table 3 Descriptive analysis of SEFA after THR

From: Relationship between the social support and self-efficacy for function ability in patients undergoing primary hip replacement

Confidence (score)

< 20% (1)

20–50% (2)

50–80% (3)

> 80%(4)

Mean ± SD


Number (%)

Wash your upper body

8 (6%)

10 (7.5%)

28 (20.9%)

88 (65.7%)

3.46 ± 0.87

Wash your lower body

9 (6.7%)

21 (15.7%)

33 (24.6%)

71 (53%)

3.24 ± 0.95

Dress your upper body

4 (3%)

12 (9%)

26 (19.4%)

92 (68.7%)

3.48 ± 0.92

Dress your lower body

9 (6.7%)

24 (17.9%)

29 (21.6%)

72 (53.7%)

3.19 ± 1.00

Get on and off the toilet and manage your clothes

8 (6%)

13 (9.7%)

20 (14.9%)

93 (69.4%)

3.48 ± 0.90

Get in and out of bed and a chair

4 (3%)

8 (6%)

31 (23.1%)

91 (67.9%)

3.53 ± 0.82

Walk 50 ft

4 (3%)

12 (9%)

32 (23.9%)

86 (64.2%)

3.43 ± 0.92

Walk 120 ft

6 (4.5%)

12 (9%)

37 (27.6%)

79 (59%)

3.37 ± 0.93

Climb up and down four stairs

22 (16.4%)

26 (19.4%)

31 (23.1%)

55 (41%)

2.78 ± 1.21

Total score


29.96 ± 7.6

Total average score

3.33 ± 0.84