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Table 2 Descriptive analysis of social support after THR

From: Relationship between the social support and self-efficacy for function ability in patients undergoing primary hip replacement


No assistance (0)

Little assistance (1)

Much assistance (2)

Very much assistance (3)

Mean ± SD

Number (%)

Emotional information and appraisal support


1.81 ± 0.70

Expressed interest and concern in your well-being

0 (0%)

23 (17%)

78 (57.8%)

34 (25.2%)

2.08 ± 0.65

Was right there with you in a stressful situation

5 (3.7%)

32 (23.7%)

76 (56.3%)

22 (16.3%)

1.85 ± 0.73

Joked and kidded to try to cheer you up

4 (3%)

23 (17%)

82 (60.7%)

26 (19.3%)

1.96 ± 0.69

Agreed that what you want to do was right

8 (6%)

35 (13.4%)

73 (26.1%)

18 (54.5%)

1.75 ± 0.76

Let you know you did something well

8 (6%)

25 (18.7%)

34 (25.4%)

67 (50%)

1.81 ± 0.80

Expressed esteem or respect for a competency or personal quality of yours

6 (4.5%)

29 (21.6%)

32 (23.9%)

67 (50%)

1.93 ± 0.79

Provided some advice on medical treatment

8 (6%)

30 (22.4%)

31 (23.1%)

65 (48.5%)

1.87 ± 0.82

Provided some advice on daily living

6 (4.5%)

25 (18.7%)

36 (26.9%)

67 (50%)

1.83 ± 0.78

Reminded you of follow-up hospital appointments

6 (4.5%)

20 (14.9%)

35 (26.1%)

73 (54.4%)

2.02 ± 0.77

Assisted you in setting a goal for yourself

13 (9.7%)

26 (19.4%)

47 (35.1%)

48 (35.8%)

1.65 ± 0.90

Did some activity together to help you get your minds off things

24 (17.9%)

26 (19.4%)

27 (20.1%)

57 (42.5%)

1.59 ± 0.99

Helped you in adjustment of daily activities

8 (6%)

32 (23.9%)

42 (31.3%)

52 (38.8%)

1.81 ± 0.87

Assisted you in appropriate exercise

12 (9%)

21 (15.7%)

46 (34.3%)

55 (41%)

1.37 ± 0.58

Instrumental support


1.56 ± 0.77

Listened to you talk about your private feelings

9 (6.7%)

62 (45.9%)

52 (38.5%)

12 (8.9%)

1.50 ± 0.75

Loaned or gave you something that you needed

14 (10.4%)

32 (23.9%)

34 (25.4%)

54 (40.3%)

1.63 ± 0.96