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Table 2 Rates of discontinuation and non-publication of orthopaedic oncology clinical trials

From: Discontinuation and nonpublication of clinical trials in orthopaedic oncology


Discontinued trials (n = 25)

Unpublished trials (n = 18)

No. (%)

AOR (95%CI)

No. (%)

AOR (95%CI)



23 (92.0%)

1 [Ref]

8 (44%)

1 [Ref]


0 (0%)


4 (22%)

1.6 (0.64–4.18)


1 (4.0%)

1.08 (0.78–2.35)

2 (11.1%)

1.03 (.65–4.57)


1 (4.0%)

1.12 (0.63–1.26)

4 (22%)

.85 (.57–1.93)



10 (40.0%)

1 [Ref]

4 (19.05%)

1 [Ref]


13 (52.0%)

0.45 (0.29–1.24)

8 (52.38%)

0.49 (0.36–1.94)


0 (0%)


2 (9.52%)

0.62 (0.27–1.87)


2 (8.0%)

0.48 (0.4–1.21)

4 (19.05%)

0.74 (0.46–2.78)


 < 261

17 (68.0%)

1 [Ref]

8 (44.4%)

1 [Ref]

 ≥ 261

8 (32.0%)

0.85 (0.42–0.95)

10 (55.6%)

0.19 (0.13–0.47)

  1. Bold signifies stastical significance
  2. This table examines the logistic regression for the factors associated with trial discontinuation and nonpublication in orthopaedic oncology clinical trials. The table presents the number and percentage of discontinued and unpublished trials for each characteristic, along with the Adjusted Odds Ratios (AOR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) indicating the association between the characteristic and trial outcomes