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Fig. 1 | Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research

Fig. 1

From: PDK4 inhibits osteoarthritis progression by activating the PPAR pathway

Fig. 1

Screening DEGs in GSE114007 and GSE169077 datasets. A, B Volcano plots illustrating DEGs in the GSE114007 and GSE169077 datasets. The horizontal axis represents log2FoldChange, and the vertical axis represents -log10 (p-value). Red dots indicate up-regulated genes, while blue dots indicate down-regulated genes in the respective groups. C and D Heatmaps display the top 15 up-regulated and down-regulated genes in the GSE114007 and GSE169077 datasets. Genes are presented horizontally, with one column per sample. Red indicates highly expressed genes, while blue indicates lowly expressed genes. E, F Venn diagrams for common up-regulated and down-regulated DEGs in both datasets. The numerical values in each circle denote the number of differential genes identified in that specific dataset. The overlapping portion of the circles represents the common DEGs shared between the two datasets

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