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Table 2 Japanese Orthopaedic Association Score

From: The use of average Pavlov ratio to predict the risk of post operative upper limb palsy after posterior cervical decompression



I. Motor function of the upper extremity

0. Impossible to eat with chopsticks or spoon


1. Possible to ear with spoon, but not with chopsticks


2. Possible to eat with chopsticks, but inadequate


3. Possible to eat with chopsticks, but awkward


4. Normal

II. Motor function of the lower extremity

0. Impossible to walk


1. Needs cane or aid on flat ground


2. Needs cane or aid only on stairs


3. Possible to walk without cane or aid but slowly


4. Normal

III. Sensory function

A. Upper extremity


0. Apparent sensory loss


1. Minimal sensory loss


2. Normal


B. Lower extremity (same as A)


Trunk (same as A)

IV. Bladder function

0. Complete retention


1. Severe disturbance (sense of retention, dribbling, incomplete continence)


2. Mild disturbance (urinary frequency, urinary hesitancy)


3. Normal