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Table 1 Characteristics of included studies

From: Postoperative analgesic effectiveness of quadratus lumborum block: systematic review and meta-analysis for adult patients undergoing hip surgery






Summary of main findings

Brixel [14]


100 patients for total hip arthroplasty under general anesthesia

PQL block versus saline

Morphine requirement

Pain score at rest and on movement

PONV, urinary retention, hospital length of stay

No difference in morphine requirement, pain score, PONV, urinary retention and length of stay

He [15]


60 patients for total hip arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia

TQL block versus no block

Sufentanyl requirement

Pain score at rest and on movement

PONV, pruritis

Patient satisfaction

Lower sufentanyl requirement

Lower pain score

Less PONV and pruritus

Better satisfaction

Abduallah [26]


60 patients for total hip arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia

TQL block versus saline

Morphine requirement

Pain score at rest

PONV, motor block, time to the first analgesia request, patient satisfaction

Lower morphine requirement

Prolongation of the time to the first analgesia request

Lower VAS scores

No difference in patient satisfaction

He [27]


88 patients for total hip arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia

TQL block versus saline

Morphine requirement

Pain score at rest and on movement

PONV, urinary retention

The 10-m walk test

Patient satisfaction

Lower morphine requirement

Lower pain score

Higher 10-m walking speed

Lower incidences of nausea, vomiting, and urinary retention

Better satisfaction

Kukreja [28]


80 patients for total hip arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia

TQL block versus no block

Morphine requirement

Pain scores at rest

Patient satisfaction, hospital length of stay, time to first opioid request

Lower morphine requirement

Lower pain scores

Better satisfaction

No difference in length of hospital stay and time to first opioid request

Haskins [18]


96 patients for hip arthroscopy under spinal anesthesia

TQL block versus no block

Morphine requirement

Pain score at rest and on movement

PONV, urinary retention, hypotension

Patient satisfaction

No difference in morphine requirement, pain score, satisfaction and the incidence of PONV, urinary retention, and hypotension

Tulgar [16]


60 patients for hip and proximal femur surgery under general anesthesia

TQL block versus erector spinae block versus no block

Tramadol requirement

Pain score at rest

QLB and ESB both lower tramadol

requirement and lower pain score

No difference in PONV

Wilson [30]


46 patients for hip arthroscopy under general anesthesia

LQL block versus saline

Morphine requirement

Pain score at rest and on movement

Patient satisfaction

No difference in morphine requirement, pain score, satisfaction and the incidence of side effects

Manuwong [32]


40 patients for total hip arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia

TQL block versus no block

Morphine requirement

Pain score at rest and on movement

Time to first step, adverse effects

Patient satisfaction

No difference in morphine consumption, pain score, time to first step, adverse effects and patient satisfaction

Nassar [25]


36 patients for hip arthroplasty (both total hip arthroplasty and hip hemiarthroplasty) under spinal anesthesia

TQL block versus Fascia Iliaca

Morphine requirement

Pain score at rest and on movement

Postoperative quadriceps muscle power

FIB showed lower 24 h morphine consumption, QLB showed better quadriceps motor power

No difference in pain score

Hashmi [29]


48 patients for total hip arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia

TQL block versus fascia iliaca block

Opioid requirement

Pain score at rest

Motor block

No difference in opioid requirement and pain score at rest, and motor block

Parras [31]


97 patients for hip hemiarthroplasty under spinal anesthesia

LQL block versus femoral nerve block

Opioid requirement

Pain score

Lower morphine requirement and pain


Polania [17]


46 patients for total hip arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia

TQL block versus lumbar plexus block

Morphine requirement

Pain score at rest and on movement

Time to achieve 100 feet of walking

No difference in pain score, opioid consumption and time to achieve 100 feet of walking

  1. PONV postoperative nausea and vomiting; QL quadratus lumborum; LQL lateral quadratus lumborum; PQLB posterior quadratus lumborum; TQLB transmuscular quadratus; FIB fascia lilac block