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Table 3 Internal surgical fixation technique, utilized implants and postoperative management

From: Surgical treatment of displaced isolated lateral malleolar fractures: incidence of adverse events requiring revision: a retrospective cohort study

Surgical fixation technique

No. of patients (% of study population)

Lateral fixation only

95 (88%)

Lateral fixation + Syndesmotic fixation

10 (9.3%)

Syndesmotic fixation only

1 (0.9%)

Fibular Rod Fixation only

2 (1.9%)

Syndesmotic fixation with 1 or 2 trans-syndesmotic screws

11 (10.2%)

Intermedullary fibular nail with trans-syndesmotic screws

2 (1.9%)

Postoperative bandage type

  Orthosis (Walker boot)

29 (26.9%)

  Circular Cast

67 (62%)

  Change from circular cast to orthosis

12 (11.1%)

Immediate full weightbearing

64 (59.3%)

No weightbearing

36 (33.3%)

Partial weightbearing

8 (7.4%)

Patients restricted 2–4 weeks before full weightbearing

18 (16.7%)

Patients restricted 4–6 weeks before full weightbearing

26 (24.1%)

Patients restricted more than 6 weeks before full weightbearing

4 (3.7%)

Duration of immobilization in a bandage (median in days [Range])

43 [29–95]

  Patients immobilized in a bandage up to 50 days

94 (88.7%)

  Patients immobilized in a bandage more than 50 days

12 (11.3%)