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Fig. 5 | Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research

Fig. 5

From: High-resolution 3T magnetic resonance imaging and histological analysis of capsuloligamentous complex of the first metatarsophalangeal joint

Fig. 5

The central portion of the plantar plate and medial sesamoid phalangeal ligament of the first MTPJ from a right foot specimen (45 years old). a Coronal anatomic comparison slice; b coronal anatomic slice; c coronal T1WI image of the foot; d coronal T2-SPAIR image of the foot. The central portion of the plantar plate (arrowhead) was recognized as curved hypointense signal band on the dorsal of the flexor hallucis longus tendon (white pentagram). (The white arrow = the medial sesamoid phalangeal ligament; FHL = flexor hallucis longus tendon; MSP = medial sesamoid phalangeal ligament; MT = metatarsal; PP = central portion of the plantar plate)

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