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Table 1 SEEI components, strategies, and techniques

From: A self-efficacy-enhancing intervention for Chinese patients after total hip arthroplasty: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial with 6-month follow-up



Specific techniques

Individual past experience

• Setting achievable goals

• Providing information on the benefits of functional exercise

• Providing positive feedback

• Consulting with patients to develop functional exercise goals at different stages; making plans on when, where, and how to conduct regular physical activities

• Providing information on the risk factors of a sedentary lifestyle and the advantages of functional exercise

• Identifying postoperative rehabilitation challenges through discussion

• Providing positive feedback on patient accomplishments

Vicarious experience

Sharing cases of successful rehabilitation

• Sharing previous success stories to build confidence

• Introducing the successful experiences of others to encourage patients to complete physical activities in the following months

Verbal persuasion

Verbal encouragement, explanation, and persuasion

• Describing the benefits of physical activities

• Asserting that patients have the ability to self-manage

• Providing positive feedback on the patient’s efforts and giving verbal encouragement

• Reinforcing the past and present successes or accomplishments of patients

Supporting patients physically and emotionally

• Developing strategies to cope with barriers

• Help to seek social support

• Assessing patient expression of anxiety and depression

• Identifying individual barriers to and resources for physical activity

• Providing strategies for dealing with barriers and coping in the future (postsurgery; significance of social support)