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Table 2 Anatomic distribution of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN)

From: Functional outcome and complication following THA through modified direct anterior approach correlated to cadaveric study: are there any differences in Asian hip?


Number of specimens (n = 30)

Mean ± SD

Median (minimum-maximum)

1. Correlation of LFCN and TFL


19 (63.3%)


 Under TFL

11 (36.7%)


2. Skin thickness (millimeter; mm)


3.6 ± 1.8

3.0 (2.0-8.0)

3. Correlation of LFCN and ASIS at inguinal ligament level

 Lateral to ASIS (mm)

0 (0.0%)



 Medial to ASIS (mm)

30 (100.0%)

5.3 ± 7.1

3.0 (0.0-29.0)

4. LFCN divided into branches correlated with the inguinal ligament

 Divided proximally to inguinal ligament

3 (10%)


 Divided distally to inguinal ligament

27 (90%)


5. Number of branches


2.6 ± 1.2

2.0 (1.0-6.0)


4 (13.3%)



12 (40.0%)



10 (33.3%)


 ≥ 4

4 (13.3%)


6. Size of nerve (the largest branch) (mm)


3.6 ± 1.3

4.0 (1.5-6.0)

7. Distance of nerve from ASIS to the nerve division (mm)


19.0 ± 15.4

15.5 (1.0-56.0)

8. Distance of nerve from ASIS to the most distal part (mm)


115.0 ± 32.0

114.0 (67.0-198.0)