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Table 6 Results about residents overall descriptions regarding their general confidence level in obtaining informed consent from patients for orthopedic procedures

From: Confidence level, challenges, and obstacles faced by orthopedic residents in obtaining informed consent

How would you describe your confidence level in obtaining informed consent?

N (%)


I am confident and able to obtain valid informed consent in most situations, but I might need help in dealing with a particularly difficult patient or unusual set of circumstances

110 (35%)


Under most circumstances, I can obtain adequate informed consent, but I can recognize problematic cases and seek help for complicated cases

132 (42.2%)


I think my skills may be adequate for dealing with minor and common procedures and uncomplicated patients, albeit there might be deficiencies in more complicated situations. I might not always recognize such deficiencies and may fail to seek assistance when needed

51 (16.3%)


I have concerns about my abilities to obtain adequate informed consent in most situations. I may fail to recognize my impaired capacity or exert undue influence on reluctant patients, potentially failing to meet adequate standards of disclosure

20 (6.4%)