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Table 2 The diagnostic criteria of PJI of the shoulder

From: Clinical characteristics and risk factors for culture-negative periprosthetic joint infections

Major criteria (at least one of the following)

 Presence of a sinus tract from the skin surface to the prosthesis

 Gross intra-articular pus

 Two positive tissue cultures with phenotypically identical virulent organisms

Minor criteria (combined scoring system)

 Unexpected wound drainage

 Single-positive tissue culture with virulent organism

 Single-positive tissue culture with low-virulence organism

 Second-positive tissue culture (identical low-virulence organism)

 Humeral loosening

 Positive frozen section

 Positive preoperative aspirate culture

 Elevated synovial neutrophil percentage

 Elevated synovial WBC count

 Elevated ESR

 Elevated CRP level

 Elevated synovial Alpha-defensin level

 Cloudy fluid

  1. PJI periprosthetic joint infection, WBC white blood cell, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP C-reactive protein