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Fig. 4 | Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research

Fig. 4

From: Blocking circ-CNST suppresses malignant behaviors of osteosarcoma cells and inhibits glycolysis through circ-CNST-miR-578-LDHA/PDK1 ceRNA networks

Fig. 4

The relationship of circ-CNST with miR-578. a Sequences were aligned between miR-578 and circ-CNST-WT or circ-CNST-MUT. b RT-qPCR detected relative miR-578 expression in 143B and U2OS cells transfected with miR-578 mimic (miR-578), miR-NC mimic (miR-NC), anti-miR-578, or anti-miR-NC. c, d Dual-luciferase reporter assay identified relative luciferase activity of 143B and U2OS cells co-transfected with WT/MUT vector and miR-578 or miR-NC. e RT-qPCR detected relative miR-578 expression in tumor tissues from OS patients (n = 29) comparing to adjacent normal tissues. f Pearson correlation coefficient analysis validated the linear correlation between circ-CNST and miR-578 expression in human OS tumors. g RT-qPCR detected relative miR-578 expression in 143B and U2OS cells comparing to hFOB1.19 cells. h, i RT-qPCR detected relative circ-CNST and miR-578 expression in 143B and U2OS cells transfected with circ-CNST vector, empty pCD5-ciR vector, si-circ-CNST, or si-NC. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, and ****P < 0.0001

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