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Fig. 4 | Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research

Fig. 4

From: Cryopreserved, Thin, Laser-Etched Osteochondral Allograft maintains the functional components of articular cartilage after 2 years of storage

Fig. 4

Growth factor and matrix protein concentrations in fresh cartilage and T-LE 2-year cryopreserved allograft samples. Boxplots show the median value (middle line), mean (x), and interquartile range (box) and whiskers extending to minimum and maximum values. Values exceeding 1.5 times the first or third quartile shown as single points. The sample number (N) of each group is shown below each boxplot. Cryopreserved T-LE Allografts exhibit no significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) in growth factor concentration and profile compared to fresh cartilage specimens

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