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Table 9 Differences in pre-operative and longer-term (6 months post-operative) patient-reported outcome measures

From: Patient and surgical prognostic factors for inpatient functional recovery following THA and TKA: a prospective cohort study

Patient-reported outcome measure

Baseline score

Median (IQR)

Range, n

6 months post-op score

Median (IQR)

Range, n

Change scorea

Median (IQR)

Range, n

Change score exceeded MIC

At group levelb, n (%)

For individualsc, n (%)


22.0 (17.25, 29.0)

5–39, n = 60

46.0 (44.0, 48.0)

22–48, n = 61

22.5 (16.0, 28.75)

1–42, n = 60

60 (100%)

56 (93.3%)


25.0 (19.0, 32.0)

7–42, n = 117

43.0 (38.75, 46.0)

26-48, n = 118

16.0 (9.5, 23.0)

− 4.0–41.0, n = 117

117 (100%)

97 (82.9%)


80.0 (70.0, 90.0)

25–100, n = 178

85.0 (75.0, 90.0)

10–100, n = 179

1.0 (− 5.0, 12.5)

− 75–50, n = 178


  1. EQ-5D VAS EuroQol-5 Dimension Visual Analogue Scale, IQR inter-quartile range, MIC minimal important change, OHS Oxford Hip Score, OKS Oxford Knee Score
  2. aChange score is the difference between pre-operative baseline score and 6 months post-operative score
  3. bFor assessment at the group level, an MIC of 11 and 9 points was used for the OHS and OKS, respectively (Beard et al. [28])
  4. cFor assessment of individual patients, an MIC of 8 and 7 points was used for the OHS and OKS, respectively (Beard et al. [28])