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Table 5 Comparison of VTE risk assessment between the two groups

From: The effectiveness of a self-made modular elastic compression device for patients with a fracture of the tibia and fibula


Caprini highest score (x ± s)

Number of thromboses

Test Group

7.1 ± 1.6


Control Group

7.2 ± 1.5



> 0.05

  1. The 2009 version of the Caprini risk assessment model, which includes more than 40 different risk factors such as age, bed rest, surgery, history of thrombotic diseases, family history of thrombosis, etc., each risk factor is assigned 1–5 points according to different risk levels, respectively. According to the total score of risk factors of patients, the risk of VTE occurrence of patients is divided into 4 grades: low risk (0 ~ 1 point), moderate risk (2 points), high risk (3 ~ 4 points), and very high risk (≥ 5 points). Lower limb fracture is a very high risk factor (27)