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Table 2 Trajectory angles in each of the Lauge-Hansen classification-based posterior malleolar fracture types

From: Preoperative planning and surgical technique for optimizing internal fixation of posterior malleolar fractures: CT versus standard radiographs

Fracture type

Number (%) of cases

Mean TA (range) (°)

Pronation abduction injury—type II

5 (5.9%)

18.4 (5.4–22.7)

Pronation abduction injury—type III

20 (23.5%)

19.4 (3.5–30.9)

Pronation lateral rotation injury—type IV

13 (15.3%)

20.7 (10.8–31.7)

Supination abduction injury—type II

1 (1.2%)


Supination lateral rotation injury—type III

8 (9.4%)

17.7 (2.1–22.9)

Supination lateral rotation injury—type IV

32 (37.6%)

18.1 (2.1–26.7)

Isolated posterior lip injury

6 (7.1%)

16.3 (4.4–22.3)

  1. TA trajectory angle