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Table 1 Clinical outcomes of the modified Bankart and Bristow procedure

From: Bone union of the transferred coracoid graft is the key factor affecting the extent of postoperative graft changes and the clinical results following the modified Bankart and Bristow procedure: a computed tomography scan study

Evaluation method

Group S

Group I

Group F

Rowe test score

96 ± 3.9

95 ± 4.6

88 ± 5.7*

Walch-Duplay test score

93 ± 10.6

91.3 ± 9.9

76 ± 11.4*

Simple shoulder test score

98.1 ± 4.1

98.9 ± 3.2

90.9 ± 13.1

  1. A total of 23 shoulders were stratified according to the location of bone union in the grafted coracoid process: superior part (group S), inferior part (group I), or no bone union (group F)
  2. p < 0.05 *: significantly lower vs group S, group I (p<0.05)