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Table 1 Patients’ demographics, mechanisms of injury, fracture classifications, multiple injuries, pre-existing comorbidity, ASA class, and time to surgery in a series of 65 patients (mean ± standard deviation (range) or number (percentage))

From: Internal fixation of acetabular fractures in an older population using the lateral-rectus approach: short-term outcomes of a retrospective study



Age (years)

67 ± 5 (60–88)

Male gender

42 (64.6)

Mechanism of injury

 Traffic accident

28 (43.1)

 Fall from height (greater than standing)

28 (43.1)

 Fall (from standing height)

9 (13.8)

Fracture classification

 Anterior column with posterior hemitransverse

30 (46.2)


21 (32.3)


8 (12.3)

 Anterior column

6 (9.2)

Multiple injuries

 Ipsilateral pelvic ring fracture

17 (26.2)

 Extremity fracture

14 (21.5)

 Spine fracture

4 (6.2)

 Pleural effusion

4 (6.2)

 Craniocerebral injury

4 (6.2)

Pre-existing comorbidity


13 (20.0)

 Coronary heart disease

6 (9.2)

 Diabetes mellitus

6 (9.2)

 Lung disease

5 (7.7)

ASA class


5 (7.7)


23 (35.4)


35 (53.8)


2 (3.1)

Time to surgery (days)

7 ± 2 (5–14)