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Table 3 Distances between neurovascular bundle 8 mm superior and inferior to the described reference point (mm ± SD)

From: The distance of the femoral neurovascular bundle from the hip joint: an intraoperative guide to reduce iatrogenic injury


V (AP)

V (ML)

V (d)

A (AP)

A (ML)

A (d)

N (AP)

N (ML)

N (d)


0.75 (1.5)

2 (1.83)

2.25 (0.96)

1.75 (0.96)

0.5 (0.58)

3.25 (1.71)

1.25 (1.89)

4 (3.56)

4 (3.27)


1.75 (0.5)

2.75 (0.96)

1.25 (0.5)

0.75 (0.5)

1 (1.4)

0.75 (0.5)

2.75 (3.59)

2.25 (2.87)

2.5 (3.3)

  1. V vein, A artery, N nerve, AP anteroposterior, ML mediolateral, d shortest distance