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Table 2 Relationship of groups A and B according to arc plane and sagittal plane angle, flexion contracture and varus and valgus deformity

From: Analysis of factors that affect the precision of the radiographic lateral femoral bowing angle using a three-dimensional computed tomography-based modelling technique


Angle between arc plane and sagittal plane

Flexion contracture

Varus and valgus deformity

<5° group A

19.05 ± 7.85

9.59 ± 7.99

2.20 ± 1.83

>5° group B

24.39 ± 14.07

11.20 ± 6.97*

4.17 ± 2.20**





  1. *A significant difference between groups was considered for p < 0.05. When the radiographic RLFB angle is greater than 5°, the flexion contracture angle has strong linear positive correlation with the RLFB angle (r = 0.535, p < 0.05)
  2. Comparing the angle of sagittal plane and arc plane, it is found that there is no statistical difference between the two groups (p = 0.327)
  3. **When RLFB is greater than 5°, it has no linear correlation with the varus and valgus deformity, but there are statistical differences in the varus and valgus deformity between two groups (p = 0.03)