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Fig. 6 | Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research

Fig. 6

From: Analysis of the osseointegrative force of a hyperhydrophilic and nanostructured surface refinement for TPS surfaces in a gap healing model with the Göttingen minipig

Fig. 6

The picture itself is made from 126 single pics to guarantee a high resolution. As example, it shows an augmented detail of the left distal knee gap of a CSA implant (preparation # 55) after a healing period of 8 weeks. The blue box marks the ROI (equal to the red box of Fig. 4), and the pink line shows the porous CSA surface. The dark blue regions demonstrate the bone, and the red regions the osteoid areas. The light green lines mark the cross section between bone and CSA surface; equal to this, the turquoise lines show the cross section for osteoid

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