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Table 1 Guidelines for indications and contraindications for kyphoplasty

From: Kyphoplasty in osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures - Guidelines and technical considerations

Indications for kyphoplasty

   - Radiologically confirmed fresh compression fracture (AO type A1) (MRI shows oedema or X-ray/CT-scan proven fracture not older than 3 months)


   - Failure of 2 - 6 weeks of conservative treatment including pain medication and physiotherapy (Pain on visual analogous scale (VAS) above 4 of 10)

Contraindications for kyphoplasty

- Burst-fractures (in some A3.1-fractures possible)


   - Flexion-/distraction and rotational injuries (AO type B and C)


   - Medical contraindications (bleeding disorders, sepsis, etc)


   - PMMA-allergy