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Table 2 Relationships between lag signs, bony structural changes and morphological osseous properties versus location of the tendinous tear and muscular quality.

From: What do standard radiography and clinical examination tell about the shoulder with cuff tear arthropathy?

P-Values calculated with the Fisher's exact statistical test between colum and row (number of cases)

Subscapular muscular quality

Infraspinatus muscular quality

teres minor muscular quality

Subscapular tendon tear

Supraspinatus tendon tear

Infraspinatus tendon tear

teres minor tendon tear

exorotation in adduction

0,16 (166)

0,113 (167)

<0,001 (137)

0,05 (234)

1 (208)

1 (208)

0,003 (121)

exorotation in abduction

0,367 (88)

1 (89)

<0,001 (76)

0,834 (123)

0,519 (100)

1 (100)

0,052 (66)

hornblower's sign

0,547 (103)

0,092 (65)

0,004 (45)

0,432 (76)

0,548 (72)

0,548 (72)

0,002 (55)

press belly test

<0,001 (111)

1 (110)

0,82 (100)

<0,001 (132)

0,247 (118)

0,503 (119)

0,387 (94)

Upward migration index

0,305 (231)

0,019 (230)

0,029 (190)

0,373 (304)

0,665 (277)

0,012 (278)

0,794 (170)


0,281 (231)

0,59 (230)

0,332 (190)

0,705 (304)


0,253 (278)

0,252 (170)


0,519 (231)

<0,001 (230)

<0,001 (190)

0,042 (304)

0,496 (277)

0,003 (278)

<0,001 (170)

Medial erosion of the glenoid

0,293 (231)

0,165 (230)

0,029 (190)

0,024 (303)

0,66 (276)

0,65 (277)

0,428 (170)


0,684 (231)

0,018 (230)

0,419 (190)

1 (304)

1 (277)

0,164 (278)

0,141 (170)

lateral acromion angle

0,277 (231)

0,774 (230)

0,796 (190)

0,69 (304)

1 (277)

1 (278)

0,793 (170)

acromial index

0,28 (231)

0,474 (230)

0,339 (190)

0,256 (304)

0,653 (277)

0,647 (278)

0,113 (170)

acromial thickness

0,084 (231)

0,076 (230)

0,756 (190)

0,901 (304)

1 (277)

0,819 (278)

0,526 (170)

Glenoid inclination angle

0,185 (231)

0,052 (230)

0,347 (190)

0,172 (304)

0,665 (277)

0,068 (278)

0,341 (170)